If you are a business owner or a marketer, we are sure that you will agree with us on this one: no online store can function without constant traffic. It is not rocket science, to be fair. However, driving traffic to your website is not doesn’t just come by itself. So what does it take? The answer lies in e-commerce content marketing, which you can use to strengthen the SEO of your online store so that you can acquire as many interested customers as possible.
Of course, we also know that as a business owner, you often don’t have the opportunity or time to produce content, even though this is one of the most important parts of your marketing communication. In today’s article, we are going to share with you some simple but useful tips on how to effectively carry out content marketing in your online store to boost your traffic. Are you ready? Without further ado, let’s see what are these solutions that can bring success your way!
#1 Write an article about how many ways your product can be used
First of all, having a blog is always a good thing, as it not only helps you engage with your customers and provide them with extra information about your products and services, but it also helps with SEO. List style articles are very popular because they’re easy to skim through (and that’s how most people read online content these days). An article that explains how many ways your particular product can be used is not only relevant to your target audience but also extremely useful. People like to share such useful articles with their friends on social media.
The biggest advantage of such articles is that they can address many of the problems that your ideal customers are looking for solutions to on Google. An article full of relevant keywords will appear in the searches of many interested users. Moreover, you can use this resource to make the email sent automatically after the purchase of the product more useful. Your customers will surely appreciate that you pay attention to this, and such little things will gradually strengthen their brand loyalty.
#2 Highlight the success stories of your satisfied customers
Another great content idea for your website is similar to customer reviews, but taken to the next level. Yes, we are talking about a case study. Collect your customers’ success stories and make them into a comprehensive case study for your blog – this is one of the best content marketing tips for online stores. Your customers would certainly be happy to help you with this, and later they will be happy to share the article with their friends. After all, they can also be proud of their success story. This pull is guaranteed to solidify your customers’ brand loyalty and bring new customers on board.
However, the main goal of this article is to show those who are still unsure that your products are really useful and have helped others to solve the same problem they are struggling with. People love to hear if previous buyers had a great experience with a certain brand. They can easily identify with these stories, so they buy your products with a much calmer heart.
By telling some good (and true) stories, you can affect your readers emotionally, and many of them are driven by their emotions in their purchasing decisions. Of course, to make these stories even more convincing, you can also include specific figures and statistics in your content marketing for the interested parties who are more convinced by them.
#3 Make videos
Videos are the most popular content on the Internet and can be especially useful for online stores. They can indeed be more work than a written article, but that doesn’t mean they have to be overly complicated. For example, you can make a simple video showing how to use your products, and you can even add some pictures sent by your satisfied customers for this purpose (it’s important to ask their permission). You can even announce a specific photo contest, where you can get many of these images for your video and other content.
To give you some ideas, creating reels on such platforms as Youtube, Facebook or Instagram can easily help you broaden your customer base. Not to mention TikTok, the platform where so many businesses were born and became extremely successful.
You can also make video interviews, answer your customers’ most frequent questions, or spark the imagination of your target audience with some spectacular samples of your latest products.
#4 Create a user guide for your product on SlideShare
SlideShare is one of LinkedIn’s services, which was created specifically for uploading and sharing presentations. Create a simple guide on how to use your product and share it on SlideShare. This can be a unique element of your strategy for content marketing online stores. On each slide, put a picture and a brief explanation of what to do in that step.
When you are ready, embed the uploaded presentation on your product’s online store datasheet to make it easier for interested customers to make a decision. Of course, you can also embed this presentation in blog articles about the product, where you justify it. Also, don’t forget to refer to this presentation in the email sent after the purchase.
#5 Make an infographic about the different purchase options
If your product is available in different sizes, styles, colors, or other variations, then compare them on an easy-to-interpret infographic, since infographics are one of the most effective content for online stores. This graphic will help indecisive buyers to choose the best version for them. For example, a winery could list which of its various wines should be served with which dishes and flavors.
Such useful content will be greatly appreciated by all your customers, and many of them also like to share it with their friends and family members. When creating photographs or video content of your products, never forget that presentation is key. Make sure all your photos and videos are visually appealing and always upload high-quality content.
Final Thoughts
As you can see there are many proven methods and solutions that you can rely on if you want to boost the traffic of your e-commerce store. Above, we listed maybe the 5 most simple tricks you can use to improve the traffic of your online store. At this point, we are sure you agree that content is key, no matter the type of your website. However, if you have an online store, this is especially true. People need information about how your product works, about the success stories of previous buyers or they simply appreciate entertaining visual content such as photographs or video. Are you ready to implement the above-mentioned practices? We wish you good luck in boosting the traffic of your e-commerce store! If you want to read more about how to make your online shoppers happy while browsing your e-commerce website, do not hesitate to click here and here! Also, are you interested in WooCommerce? Click here for 10 tips that can help you run a successful WooCommerce store!