45 simple reasons why every business needs search engine optimization (Part 1)

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To some, it might be a surprise, but there are still online businesses that fail to put enough focus on search engine optimization. The reason is not necessarily unprofessionalism, but instead, the lack of knowledge in terms of SEO. Most beginner website owners or web developers know little about the importance of proper search engine optimization. Luckily, this is an easy fix, as you can always learn and improve. If you browse our blog, we wrote multiple times about SEO, sharing handy tips and tricks on how to use it for your benefit. 

Today, we are going to keep it simple. This article is mainly for those who know a little about SEO and want to understand what it is for and how it can help businesses thrive. We collected not less than 40 advantages of SEO. In the first part, we are going to share with you 25 advantages, then continue our list in our next article with 20 more. If you’re ready to dive deep, let’s get it started. 


About the list


The following list of SEO advantages will surely change the way you think about the online presence of businesses. It will help you understand why every business should be involved in search engine optimization. Our advice is that before you start spending your marketing budget on online ads, go through this list. You’ll thank yourself. But what is SEO? To put it simply, SEO or search engine optimization is the process of website optimization, which helps you increase the number of organic (free) results from search engines. Such search engines are Google, YouTube, Bing, and Yahoo. The math is simple. The better your optimization, the higher you rank on the result page of search engines.

Read on if you don’t yet have an effective SEO strategy or you are not sure how SEO can help you grow your business. Search engine optimization provides free benefits you should definitely take advantage of. The sad truth is that if your website is not properly optimized for search engines, money is flowing out of your pocket every single day.


#1 People are using search engines to look for your service or product 

There are over 5 billion people online. The major part of online activity starts with opening a search engine. There are so many ways for your business to be found by search engines. So, one of the most important advantages of search engine optimization is that your customers use and rely on these search engines’ results lists on a daily basis.


#2 SEO generates quality traffic

Search engine traffic is the best traffic. Why? Because people look for solutions to their problems there, which you can solve. Needless to say, if you are present. You can draw customers to your site just by allowing them to find you. You don’t have to treat them with all kinds of expensive ads and convince them to buy from you. Users who come to your site from search engines are already looking for you! In such cases, however, it is worth honoring the interested parties by welcoming them with a high-quality website that provides them with the right content and presents a pleasant, easy user experience.


If you need help with creating your professional website, do not hesitate to get in touch with us!


#3 There is a higher chance that a lead coming from search engine optimization will become a customer

It is pure logic that leads coming from search engines are more likely to become a customer than those coming from other sources. Search engine traffic has the best conversion rate on most websites. If you position yourself in a good place on the result list of search engines, you have also positioned your business for higher conversions.


#4 SEO increases sales and leads

SEO or search engine optimization is not a myth. If you have a viable product, proper optimization can increase the number of leads and sales with amazing efficiency.


#5 SEO can reduce your expenses

Another advantage of SEO is that it is free. Unless you have experience programming your website and Google algorithms, you will need a search engine optimization specialist who can increase your ranking in the Google results list. But it is safe to say that optimizing your pages is much cheaper than running paid ads. The only cost of search engine optimization is the fee of a good SEO specialist.


#6 Search engine optimization does not include paid ads

With a strong SEO ranking, you might not even need to invest in paid ads and you don’t have to pay for clicks either. An effective search engine optimization strategy will reduce your expenses, and you can use the money saved in other areas for the growth of your company.


#7 Ranking high on Google is like running non-stop ads

Correct search engine optimization works for you 24 hours a day, as your ranking does not disappear overnight. You can effectively increase your website traffic continuously, every day, every hour. Once you’ve managed to get a good position on the search results list, search engines will advertise you even when you sleep.


#8 SEO builds trust and credibility

People trust Google. They use it all the time to get accurate information about anything that concerns them. If you have a good position on the search results lists, you practically win the trust of the users and they consider you legit. The reason is simple, people trust Google to present the most relevant results to them. 


#9 Search engine optimization is a long-term strategy

SEO is a long-term strategy. It can take days, weeks, or even months for your website to move up in the search results. However, since this progress takes time, so does backsliding. However, those who have once reached the highest positions rarely go back. This can only be changed by the ever-increasing search engine optimization competition and changes in Google’s algorithms that you should be always aware of.


#10 Search engine optimization makes your customers more informed

People use search engines to find information. The obtained results are meant to show the most suitable result among the available options. A high ranking creates an opportunity for you to educate your customers. This subconsciously not only builds trust towards your brand but also helps them make the right decision. 


#11 Search engine optimization influences purchasing decisions

SEO significantly influences purchasing decisions. This is due to the built-up trust and credibility mentioned in the previous points. Optimize your website, and improve conversion by significantly influencing the purchasing decisions of people using the Internet.


#12 Good SEO increases brand awareness 

In addition to conversion, a well-optimized website also increases brand awareness. To put it simply, search engine optimization helps people to get to know the name of your company, product, or brand, and store them in their subconscious. So when they hear about you again, they will already be familiar with your business. This is very important because your website visitors are not always ready to make a purchase right away. However, when they are, they are more likely to choose you, if your business is already familiar.


#13 SEO increases customer engagement

With SEO you can increase not only your brand awareness but also customer engagement. The more often they encounter your brand, the stronger this bond will become. And the closer the bond, the greater the chance that they will spend their money on your website, even if they could get the certain product or service for cheaper somewhere else. Strong SEO rankings can dramatically increase these micro-engagement points with your potential customers.


#14 SEO gets more clicks than PPC

SEO beats paid ads. Why? Because they lead to a higher click-through rate compared to paid ads. Most users also skip paid ads. This is probably due to trust in Google’s algorithm. If you invest more in search engine optimization, you can get more traffic for the same keywords as in the case of paid ads.


#15 SEO also increases links to your websites

Search engine optimization also increases links to your website. Your visitors are also more likely to refer to a page recommended by Google and send its link to their acquaintances or friends.


#16 Search engine optimization can be measured

SEO is measurable. You can also monitor conversions, see the source of conversions, and measure the improvements in your website’s ranking, and organic traffic. With the right tools, you can also find which keywords are the most valuable for your business.


#17 SEO makes offline sales more successful too

Do you think your customers do some online research before entering your offline store? Yes of course! More and more people browse the internet before finding the right store for them, yet, they make the purchase in stores. Therefore, we can say that search engine optimization plays an important role in promoting offline sales as well.


#18 SEO is more cost-effective than paid advertising

It’s not that much magic. Once you reach the desired position, you no longer have to pay for clicks. You can pause your PPC advertising campaigns and let your properly search-engine-optimized website do its work.


#19 Your competitors also use SEO

Do you want to be a hunter or a deer? Your prospective customers are looking for you in the Google results list. Some of your competitors have already optimized their websites for search engines. If you don’t start today, you may soon be out of business!


#20 If you are a small business, you can get ahead of your larger competition by properly optimizing your website!

If you have a small business, it can be difficult to overtake companies with strong capital. However, an effective SEO strategy can help you achieve better rankings. Bigger companies rely on quick and expensive advertising, but with a proper search engine optimization strategy, you can quietly sneak in on your customers through the back door without anyone noticing.


#21 Have a big bite of the market with search engine optimization

If you are the first option on the result page, customers will never know about the hundreds of alternatives. Unless they scroll through the first 10 pages of Google. Obviously, we all know that won’t happen. Why? Because most users never go beyond the first page of Google search results.


#22 You can find new markets with the help of SEO

You can also gain new markets with the help of SEO. If your website has already been properly optimized, you can continue the process with more and more keywords, especially if you have new products or services to offer. And the search engines will deliver quality traffic to your site, thereby helping you gain ground in new markets.


#23 Search engine optimization also increases the value of your business

Your business becomes more valuable together with your SEO ranking. If you are thinking about selling your company, it is good to know that a strong ranking in Google search results significantly increases the value of your business. Probably because Google rankings hold their place for a very long time, and a strong online presence guarantees a stable income.


#24 Search engine optimization includes all your online marketing activities

SEO itself is online marketing. All online marketing activities are somehow related to search engine optimization. Web design, content marketing, social media marketing services, and online advertising also influence SEO.


#25 SEO improves ROI

As I mentioned in the previous point, a related marketing campaign also affects your SEO ranking, which in turn increases your ROI.


Wrap up

See, there are so many simple key advantages of proper search engine optimization. If the above-listed 25 reasons are not enough to make you focus on optimizing your website, check out the second part of our article, where we will share 25 further reasons why SEO should be a prioritized thing in your marketing strategy.